About IMPA International Metabolic Physicians Association

The prevalence of metabolic disorders such as diabetes, obesity, and metabolic syndrome is increasing globally. These disorders are often complex and multifaceted, requiring specialized expertise for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and management.

However, current practices to manage these disorders are far from perfect, as single-disease management continues to prevail despite the need for multidisciplinary care.

IMPA was formed with an idea of providing a unified platform to address the growing healthcare burden posed by metabolic disorders. The organisation aims to engage experts from multiple medical specialties, including endocrinology, cardiology, nutrition, gynaecology, pulmonology, nephrology and more. IMPA can facilitate collaboration among these disciplines to provide holistic care to patients.

The necessary training and skills required to treat metabolic disorders are not provided during the course curriculum of under-graduate and post-graduate courses in an integrated fashion. Healthcare professionals need ongoing education and training to stay updated with the latest developments in Metabolic Medicine. IMPA aims to provide resources, conferences, and workshops for continuous learning.

IMPA understands that research is essential to better delineate the underlying mechanisms of metabolic disorders and to develop effective treatment modalities. IMPA aims to support original research initiatives that contribute to advancements in the field. IMPA mentors will ensure that healthcare professionals have access to the latest research, guidelines, and best practices.

Establishing standardised guidelines and best practices for diagnosing and managing metabolic disorders ensures consistent and high-quality care across different healthcare settings. IMPA will integrate guidelines, formulate regionspecific best practices with the help of home grown research and offer practical hand-holding for practitioners, to cater to the need of metabolic medicine.