Dr. Nitin Patankar

Dr. Nitin Patankar



It gives me immense pleasure to be addressing you all from this forum of IMPA, a unique association comprising solely of physicians interested in and practising obesity. The idea of such an association was born out of the need to involve and inspire more physicians to enter the realm of obesity treatment, considering that the condition has already reached epidemic proportions.

The current scenario of obesity management in India is far from satisfactory and more often than not, is administered in a non-scientific, non-evidence based manner, often by persons who are not healthcare professionals. This needs to change. More healthcare professionals need to take up obesity treatment, albeit in a small way at least, to help persons living with obesity manage their condition in the most optimal way possible.

Obesity Medicine is a fast growing field, with new research and therapeutics being added on a daily basis. IMPA aims to keep its members abreast of the latest, through education programs, CMEs and courses.

It is my fervent appeal to you all to join hands with us and propagate the message. United we stand!

Dr. Nitin Patankar
President, IMPA